TheRootsofCommon SymbolsandFiguresinReligionsandMyths H.UmitSayin ABSTRACT Psychoactiveplantswhichcontainhallucinogenicmoleculesthatinduceaformofalteredstatesofconsciousness(H- ASC)havebeenwidelyusedduringthereligiousritualsofmanyculturesthroughoutthecenturies,whilethe consumptionoftheseplantsforspiritualandreligiouspurposes...
describe ergot as a “noxious pustule in the ear of wheat,” because it infects rye and other related plants. When ingested, ergot causes a condition called “ergotism.” In the Middle Ages especially, there were major outbreaks of ergotism that swept across towns. Whole populations ...
(DLMD), Direct Laser Deposition (DLD), Direct Light Fabrication (DLF), Laser Deposition Welding (LDW), Powder Fusion Welding (PFW), Directed Light Fabrication (DLF), Electron Beam Direct Manufacturing (EBDM), and Direct Metal Tooling (DMT) depending on the application or specifications of the ...