This injury is also known as “golfer’s elbow.” A player will experience pain inside their elbow, which will then affect their throwing motion. Overuse is the main cause of this injury. Also, some pitchers suffer from thrower’s elbow due to poor throwing technique by pitchers. Dead Arm ...
The child often presents with a swollen painful elbow and may have an obvious deformity. Range of Overview The medial epicondylar fracture is the most common fracture encountered in the throwing athlete, usually a 12- to 14-year-old baseball pitcher. These are acute injuries often caused by a...
Elbow flex. Choose a weight that you can lift for three sets of eight repetitions. Stand, holding a weight in each hand with your elbows close to your sides. Slowly bend one arm, bringing the weight toward your shoulder and hold for 2 seconds. Return the weight slowly to your starting p...