(八)腓总神经麻痹(paralysis of common peroneal nerve)受伤后产生腓骨肌及胫骨前肌群的瘫痪。表现为足下垂,足和足践不能背屈,用足跟行走困难。步行时,举高足,当足落地时足尖下垂后整个足底着地,类似鸡的步态,称为跨阈步态。小腿前外侧和足背感觉障碍。 去大脑强直 在中脑上丘与下丘之间及红核的下方水平面上将...
common peroneal nerve【解剖】;nervus fibularis communis【解剖】; 腓总神经文献(pubmed) 以下为句子列表:英文: The phonetic notations include three authors' notations: Zheng Ang's (郑昂) which were collected in the Feng Meng Ji Zhu Du Gong Bu Shi (《分门集注杜工部诗》) , Cat Cheng's (...
The common peroneal nerve (also called common fibular nerve) is one of the two terminal branches of the sciatic nerve in the lower third of the thigh. It runs laterally, medial to the biceps femoris tendon, then posterior to the fibular head , and lateral to the fibular neck . It gives...
com·mon pal·mar dig·i·tal nerves [TA] four nerves in the palm that send branches (proper palmar digital nerves) to adjacent sides of two digits; three are branches of the median nerve, one is from the ulnar nerve. Synonym(s):nervi digitales palmares communes[TA] ...
common-peroneal-nerve-compression-syndrome网络腓总神经卡压;腓总神经嵌压综合征网络释义 1. 腓总神经卡压 腓总神经病变,common... ... ) Common peroneal nerve compression syndrome 腓总神经卡压 ) peroneal nerve palsy 腓总神经 …www.dictall.com|基于4个网页 2. 腓总神经嵌压综合征 dict.cnki.net|...
common-peroneal-nerve-palsy网络腓总神经麻痹网络释义 1. 腓总神经麻痹 英汉... ... common migraine 普通偏头痛 common peroneal nerve palsy 腓总神经麻痹 communicating hydrocephalus 交通性脑 …www.kmmc.cn|基于5个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
Common peroneal nerve injuries. Neurosurg Rev. 2003;26:175-179.Ferraresi S, Garozzo D, Buffatti P. Common peroneal nerve injuries. Neurosurg Rev. 2003;26:175–9.Ferraresi S, Garozzo D, Buffatti P: Common peroneal nerve injuries: Re- sults with one-stage nerve repair and tendon transfer...
1)Common peroneal nerve腓总神经 1.Causative analysis on patients with common peroneal nerve injury after underwent operation and its prevention measures;手术病人腓总神经损伤的原因分析及预防措施 2.Prevention of Common Peroneal Nerve Injury During Liver Transplantation;肝移植术中腓总神经损伤的预防 3.Commo...
腓总神经的分支:腓总神经由腓骨颈高度发出两个分支:腓深神经 deep peroneal nerve和腓浅神经superficial peroneal nerve, 腓总神经损伤的症状:感觉障碍(小腿外侧及足背、第一趾蹼及第一二趾相对缘皮肤感觉障碍)运动障碍(足不能伸踝伸趾、足不能外翻)
The common peroneal nerve (CPN) lies on the neck of the fibula, which forms the floor of the so-called 'fibular tunnel.' The tunnel entrance is a musculo-aponeurotic arch derived from the soleus and peroneus longus muscles and it is here that the CPN is commonly compressed in cases of ...