vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for i in {6..9};do echo 330$i; mysql -S /data/mysqldata/p330$i/mysql330$i.sock -e 'show processlist';done; find /backup/mysqldump -maxdepth 1 -name "*.dmp.gz" -type f -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} \; ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=...
Cytomorphological examinations and AMG silver visualization. Freshly isolated cPMNs and cPB- M(5208Cμ×sg(/g1m; ×1l0i1nm0d6inuc)ep.llOlisc/nametelo.ifnAthfctoeemrcy4ptloheltooegfRycPsulMlitduIe-rs1ew6i4na0sasmntaeaidntmieudmows)piwthheerLreeiueo'sxfps5to%asienCd(OTtoo2nCayt-aA3...
Protein name, gene name, Uniprot code, number of unique peptides used for the identification and quantification as well as fold change and p value for the significantly dysregulated proteins in both diseases are shown in the table. The remaining two proteins were uncharacterized proteins (Uniprot ...