(Historical Terms) another name forChristian Era Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Chris′tian E′ra n. the period since the assumed year of Jesus' birth. ...
1. (= usual, ordinary) [event, experience, name, species]→ común, corriente; [misconception, mistake]→ común, frecuentethis butterfly is common in Spain→ esta mariposa es común or corriente en Españait is common for these animals to die young→ es corriente or frecuente que estos...
For those looking to match up common plant names with botanical names, we offer the following simple list. Common name is listed first, followed by botanical name and extension ( if known ). Abscess Root Polemonium reptans Acanthus-leaved Thistle Carlina acanthifolia Accocha Cyclanthera pedata A...
This list may not be complete and is just for your assistance. Botanical nameCommon Name(s) ABUTILON vitifolium Indian Mallow, Flowering Maple ACAENA buchananii New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri ACAENA caesiiglauca New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri ACAENA fissistipula New Zealand Burr ...
Iamblichus next tackles the difficult question of imposition and personation by spirits. Thus a soul, or a spirit, may give itself out for a god, and exhibit the appropriate phantasmagoria: may boast and deceive (ii. 10). This is the result of some error or blunder in the ceremony of ev...
Extract a locale ID => display name hash for a locale:cldr.extractLanguageDisplayNames('it').en; ('inglese');cldr.extractSubdivisionAliases()Subdivision aliases contain deprecated or alternative subdivision codes. Note that the returned code may be either a territory code, (such as 'cn71' =>...
vvvv "unk" Generic timezone name. Currently returns only "unk" Specific non-location TZ z..zzz "UTC" :zone_abbr key, unlocalised zzzz "GMT" Delegates to zone_gmt/4 Timezone ID V "unk" :zone_abbr key, unlocalised VV "Etc/UTC Delegates to zone_gmt/4 VVV "Unknown City" Exemplar ci...
Common garden experiments in the genomic era: new perspectives and opportunities P de Villemereuil1, OE Gaggiotti1,2, M Mouterde1 and I Till-Bottraud1 The study of local adaptation is rendered difficult by many evolutionary confounding phenomena (for example, genetic drift and demographic ...
Answer and Explanation:1 All complex, multicellular organisms are similar in the fact that they are made up of many different types of cells that have specific roles and... Learn more about this topic: Multicellular Organisms | Definition, Pictures & Examples ...
Configuration, State, and Context class Algorithm { public: // Necessary and sufficient // configuration variables. struct Config { double aValue = 0.25; std::string name = "something"; }; // Construct algorithm from its configuration. Algorithm(const Config& cfg) : m_cfg(cfg) {} ...