builtin_module_names:Python解释器导入的模块列表 modules.keys():返回所有已经导入的模块列表 exc_info():获取当前正在处理的异常类 exc_type、exc_value、exc_traceback:当前处理的异常详细信息 executable:Python解释程序路径 exit(n):退出程序,正常退出时exit(0) getwindowsversion():获取Windows的版本 hexversion...
enhanced oil recovery. The Eclipse file format is widely used in the reservoir simulation community. This package provides a library containing code for processing files in Eclipse format, Python binding for accessing Eclipse files and utility code used by other OPM modules (e.g. CMake modules ...
for instance, by adding module definition options you can introduce mechanisms to tie modules together in functionality, hook into each other and so on. acts as a wrapper around defpackage and integrates into ASDF.Compilers, code generatorsAPL...
Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components or services. Python supports modules and packages, thereby ...
pandas: panda数组操作模块 requests: Python的HTTP客户端库 torch: 这是主要的Pytorch库。它提供了构建、训练和评估神经网络的工具 torch.nn: torch下包含用于搭建神经网络的modules和可用于继承的类的一个子包 PIL: 图像基础操作模块 torch.cuda: 自动混合精度训练 —— 节省显存并加快推理速度1.2...
# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license"""Common modules这个模块存放着yolov5网络搭建常见Common模块。"""import jsonimport math # 数学函数模块import platformimport warningsfrom collections import OrderedDict, namedtuplefrom copy import copy # 数据拷贝模块 分浅拷贝和深拷贝from pathlib import Path...
log.dirs=/opt/modules/kafka_2.11- 按着这个路径找到 meta.properties 修改brokerid [kfk@bigdata-pro03 kafka-logs]$ cat meta.properties # #Sun Jun1715:59:31CST2018version=0broker.id=1[kfk@bigdata-pro03 kafka-logs]$ pwd/opt/modules/kafka_2.11- ...
<!doctype html>...... webpack打包后的bundle.js是这样的: (()=>{var__webpack_modules__=({"./src/bar.js":((
...TypeScript 中的模块(Modules in TypeScript) 在 TypeScript 中,当写一个基于模块的代码时,有三个主要的事情需要考虑: 语法:我想导出或者导入该用什么语法?...导入类型和内置类型导入的区别在于一个是导入语法,一个是仅仅导入类型 有 CommonJS 行为的 ES 模块语法(ES Module Syntax with CommonJS Be...