Older people often take several drugs to treat multiple health conditions. As some of these drugs also have properties that affect neurotransmitters in the brain that are important to overall brain function, the researchers examined the total effects of all medications taken by the patients, both pr...
Diagnosing a thyroid disorder in an elderly patient can be a challenge: Onset is insidious, symptoms and signs are often masked by those of other diseases, and commonly taken medications confound the results of thyroid function tests. Treatment may be complicated by underlying heart disease or ...
Therapy can often treat depression, and in some cases, medications may help as well. However, many antidepressants carry serious side effects, and the benefits should be weighed against the risks. Eating Disorders Millions of men and women are affected by eating disorders, but women make up the...
Very rare(less than 0.01%): Hypoglycemia (particularly in neonates, infants, children, elderly patients, patients onhemodialysis, patients on concomitant antidiabetic therapy, patients with prolonged fasting and patients with chronic liver disease), hypertriglyceridemia[Ref] ...
Cardiovascular side effects can occur as a result of all three drugs in this combination product, which makes it a poor choice for the treatment of hypertension in the elderly or in patients with angina pectoris. By causing peripheral vasodilation and reflex tachycardia, palpitations, flushing, edem...
first place, but they do know that stress, irritants (like soaps), allergens, and climate can trigger flares. In adults, it often appears on the elbows, hands, and in skin folds. Several medications treat eczema. Some are spread over the skin, and others are taken by mouth or as a ...
We further excluded 141,452 individuals who had a medication possession ratio (MPR) >1.1, to account for stockpiling of medications or overbuying behaviors (Methods), and 1270 individuals with incomplete registry information for the 8 health and socioeconomic factors considered in the main analysis...
Elderly individuals typically require lower doses of SSRIs. Children: Fluoxetine (Prozac) is the only SSRI approved by the FDA for treatment of depression in children aged 8-18 years. SSRIs Drug or Food Interactions, Side Effects Tell the doctor what medications are currently being taken because...
The most common causes of abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen are irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cyst problems, trapped wind, diverticular disease in the elderly, urinary infection, and mid cycle pain. ...
Very common (10% or more): Use of anticholinergic medications (up to 11%) Common (1% to 10%): Asthenia, fatigue, pyrexia Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Ear infection, ear pain, fall, increased body temperature, malaise, tinnitus Rare (0.01% to 0.1%): Chills, hypothermia Frequency not reporte...