Hemorrhoids:Hemorrhoidsdevelop due to swollen veins in the lower rectum. They can be of two types: internal and external. External hemorrhoidshave the appearance and feel of a protrusion located just outside of the anus. Internal hemorrhoidslie inside the rectum and cannot be felt. Hemorrhoids are...
Anorectal disorders such as abscesses, fistulas, fissures, and hemorrhoids are common. Women afflicted with these conditions will frequently seek treatment from their gynecologist or internist first, and a basic working knowledge of their management is essential. Distinguishing one condition from another ...
In the case of perianal endometriosis, it is postulated that endometrial cells can implant in the perineum during vaginal delivery [8,9]. This includes the episiotomy site [8-10]. In this case, the location of the endometriosis at the site of the previous episiotomy scar suppor...
He cites its use for "subjective symptoms of venous insufficiency," hemorrhoids (both oral and topical use), mild diarrhoea, and locally for pain associated with mouth or throat conditions. Felter and Lloyd catalog Lythrum as a demulcent and astringent decoction for colorectitis, summer complaints...
the exact location of the ab pain. Your kidneys and lungs aren’t in the abdomen, and for women, note that your ovaries are not actually considered to become part of the abdomen either. Yet all of these organs can cause pain that feels like it is located within the abdomen, and that ...
There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Every cancer and every individual is unique. Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the size and location of the cancer as well as the presence or absence of metastasis. Common Cancer Symptoms and Signs ...
化学药物治疗副作用处理常识(Chemical treatment; side effects; common sense) Chemical treatment; side effects; common sense Chemotherapy refers to the use of drugs in the treatment of diseases. Surgery and radiation kill cancer cells at specific sites, while chemotherapy works on all parts of the bo...
These kind of improvements provide patients freedom to reengage in their lives without always having to know the location of the closest bathroom, says Rao. The only side effects patients have reported to date is some temporary tingling in the treatment area, likely prompted by rejuvenated nerves...
4. Your body slowly breaks it down.As the damaged tissue heals, you don't need the clot anymore. The tough fibrin strands dissolve, and your blood takes back the platelets and cells of the clot. Blood Clot Location Blood clots can form in veins or arteries, the vessels that help move ...