Most of the animals with secondary liver disease also retain normal serum bile acid concentrations, which again support a concept that there is generally minimal hepatocellular dysfunction in most of these disease conditions.David C. TwedtProceedings of the American Animal Hospital Association: Scientific...
Gentilini P, Laffi G, Buzzeli G, et al: Functional alterations in chronic liver diseases. Digestion 20: 73–78, 1980. CrossRef Zambraski EJ, Dunn W: Renal prostaglandin E2 secretion and excretion in conscious dogs. Am J Physiol 236: F552 — F558, 1979. Melman A, Massry SG: Role ...
Heart diseases refers to a situation where blood vessels are blocked by deposition of fat, making it difficult for blood to flow.
in less susceptible species such as swine, but it has also been reported as developing in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. Route of infection in animals is most often ingestion, rather than inhalation or inoculation via skin lesions, initial suspicions of anthrax may be raised when livestock are...
While liver diseases can be worrying, there are positive elements to think about. Many liver conditions are manageable or reversible with early detection, way of life changes, and advances in medical treatments. Additionally, the liver's incredible regenerative capabilities give hope even in the...
Very rare(less than 0.01%): Hypoglycemia (particularly in neonates, infants, children, elderly patients, patients onhemodialysis, patients on concomitant antidiabetic therapy, patients with prolonged fasting and patients with chronic liver disease), hypertriglyceridemia[Ref] ...
[6,102]. However, intraperitoneal injection of a ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine mixture or pentobarbital/buprenorphine is also used. Studies have shown no effect of ketamine on intestinal peristalsis in dogs, while they have shown shortened or prolonged peristalsis in pigs [123]. Ketamine is shown ...
Budgerigars / Budgies: What diseases do budgies most frequently come down with, such as feather diseases, infection, malnutrition, etc.
Infection of the upper airways is very common and is the most common acute illness evaluated in the outpatient setting. The infection is usually caused by viruses including rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial viruses.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death globally. In addition to conventional medications, a plethora of herbal products continue to offer therapeutic alternatives to patients to assuage suffering. Nonetheless, concomitant admini