Focuses on how weeds, by spoiling the uniform appearance of a lawn, make the landscape look unkempt. Weeds as prolific seed producers; Remedies; Cultural practices; How and when to use herbicides; Ca...
Common Weeds of Louisiana Lawns and LandscapesRonald Strahan
Manage common lawn weeds the organic wayDiscusses how to prevent and manage lawn weeds in organic way. Eight common lawn weeds; Description of the weeds; Factors that contribute to the growth of the weeds. INSET:...
(WSSA group 4) in the picolinic acid chemical family. It controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds. Clopyralid is particularly good at controlling weeds in theAsteraceae, such as Canada thistle, common ragweed, and horseweed. Clopyralid is translocated through the symplast, accumulates in the ...