CommonLawandStatuteLaw Commonlaw--rulesofbehaviouraccepted(公认的)bysocietyonthebasis ofestablished(已制定的)customandpractices,(风俗习惯)asevidenced【证 据】bydecisionsinthecourts【法院】.Statutelaw-legislation【立法】containedinprecisewrittenstatementsof requirementsemanatingfromparliament【国会立法】...
common law and statute law读音: 美 英 基本释义 普通法和成文法 分词解释 common普通的 law法 statute法令,法规猜你喜欢 common law(英国)普通法,习惯法,判例法 common sense常识 lawn mower割草机,剪草机,刈草机 merry christmas mr lawrence坂本龙一 common lisp语言 jennifer lawrence詹妮弗-劳伦斯 lucy ...
administrative lawjudicial reviewBy and large the law of judicial review in the United States appears to be statutory and it is understood that way by most lawyers in the U.S. Scratch below the surface, however, and the federal courts in the U.S. may not actually behave all that ...
Common law - Growth, Statute, Codes: After the American Revolution, a drive to replace judge-made law with popular legislation was revived. In 1811 Bentham proposed a national civil code to President James Madison, but his proposal was premature. In the
Commonlaw--rulesofbehaviouraccepted(公认的)bysocietyonthebasisofestablished(已制定的)customandpractices,(风俗习惯)asevidenced【证据】bydecisionsinthecourts【法院】.Statutelaw-legislation【立法】containedinprecisewrittenstatementsofrequirementsemanatingfrom parliament【国会立法】.CommonLaw–TheDoctrineofPrecedence...
Common law, the body of customary law, based on judicial decisions and embodied in reports of decided cases, that has been administered by the courts of England since the Middle Ages. From it has evolved the legal systems found in the United States and m
Commonlaw legalsystem 普通法系普通法系 Statutorylaw 法国和德国为代表,还有法国和德国为代表,还有 瑞士、意大利、奥地利、瑞士、意大利、奥地利、 比利时、卢森堡、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰、 西班牙、葡萄牙、日本等西班牙、葡萄牙、日本等 Caselaw 形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳 大利亚,新西兰,...
契约法和成文法.Common Law and Statute Law.ppt, Common Law and Statute Law Common Law and Statute Law Common law - - rules of behaviour accepted(公认的)by society on the basis of established(已制定的) custom and practices,
——You and the Law, Readers Digest Association, Inc., 由此可见,英国的“common law”是以其区别于前英国各地各种各样不统一的习惯而使之统一为在全国各地共同适用为其特征的,故汉语译之为“普通法”显然不如“共同法”之切合原意——哪怕译成“普遍法”也许也要比“普通法”略胜一筹吧。
lawstatutelawppt成文法common契约 1 CommonLawandCommonLawand StatuteLawStatuteLaw CommonLawandStatuteLawCommonLawandStatuteLaw CommonlawCommonlaw---rulesofbehaviourrulesofbehaviour acceptedaccepted((公认的公认的))bysocietyonthebasisbysocietyonthebasis ofestablishedofestablished(已制定的)(已制定的)customand...