common-law marriage 英[ˈkɔmənˌlɔ: ˈmæridʒ] 美[ˈkɑmənˌlɔ ˈmærɪdʒ] 释义 n. 习惯法婚姻(未举行任何仪式而自称夫妇者,在美国有些州承认这种婚姻) 英英释义 Noun 1. a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony...
Common law marriage Common Law Marriage Common-law marriage [Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in married heterosexual people or people in a common-law marriage]. Recent Changes to the Texas Informal Marriage Statute: Limitation or Abolition of Common-Law Marriage, The ...
When a common-law marriage exists, the spouses receive the same legal treatment given to legally married couples. 如果造成事实婚姻,婚姻双方在法律上享受与合法婚姻伴侣相同的待遇。 在这些条目还发现'common-law marriage': 在英文解释里: concubinage ...
In case parents living in a de facto unionorcommon law marriage,theexercise of parental responsibility belongs to both when they so declare at the civil registry. 如与未成年子女已确 立亲子关系之父母在该子女出生后仍未结婚,则由照顾子女的一方行使亲权,并 ...
common law marriage习惯法婚姻, 普通法上的婚姻, 同居, 合乎习惯法结婚 common law marriagen. 习惯法婚姻(未举行任何仪式而自称夫妇者,在美国有些州承认这种婚姻) marriage law【法】 婚姻 law of marriage【法】 婚姻法 common law习惯法,不成文法律 ...
Drawbacks of common-law marriage include legal uncertainty, as not all states recognize it, potentially leading to issues if the couple relocates. Property division can become complex, especially if an explicit agreement is needed. Additionally, common-law spouses may lack certain federal benefits ava...
英英释义 a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony 访问沪江小D查看common-law marriage的更多详细解释>相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) chen n. yang n. 杨振宁 R. N. 1....
必应词典为您提供common-law-marriage的释义,un. 〔律〕非正式结婚; 网络释义: 普通法婚姻;事实婚姻;法定夫妻关系;
普通法婚姻(Common Law Marriage)是美国某些州认可的一种婚姻形式,它是指没有结婚的男女未进行结婚登记或遵行其它结婚程序而以夫妻名义、并以结婚为目的而公开同居生活一定时间,从而法律认定该婚姻关系合法的婚姻形式。因此,如果男女双方仅仅是长期的同居关系,但根本不具有结婚的目的,那么也不能认定为是事实婚姻。