common-law marriage 英[ˈkɔmənˌlɔ: ˈmæridʒ] 美[ˈkɑmənˌlɔ ˈmærɪdʒ] 释义 n. 习惯法婚姻(未举行任何仪式而自称夫妇者,在美国有些州承认这种婚姻) 英英释义 Noun 1. a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony...
or her namebymarriage,common lawrelationships or any other mechanism, the employer [...] 若個人告知,其因嫁娶、普通法關係或任何其他途徑而曾經更改其姓名,則僱主應尋求此類變更的證明。 ...
common-law marriage noun : a marriage that is without a ceremony and is based on the parties' agreement to consider themselves married and usually also on their cohabitation for a period and their public recognition of the marriage compare concubinage Note: Most jurisdictions no longer allow ...
Common law marriage Common Law Marriage Common-law marriage [Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in married heterosexual people or people in a common-law marriage]. Recent Changes to the Texas Informal Marriage Statute: Limitation or Abolition of Common-Law Marriage, The ...
common law marriage 英 [ˈkɒmən lɔː ˈmærɪdʒ] 美 [ˈkɑːmən lɔː ˈmærɪdʒ](英美法)普通法上的婚姻
Noun1.common-law marriage- a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"...
Common-Law Marriage A union of two people not formalized in the customary manner as prescribed by law but created by an agreement to marry followed by Cohabitation. A fundamental question in marriage is whether the union is legally recognized. This question is important because marriage affects pro...
common-law marriage/husband/wife meaning, definition, what is common-law marriage/husband/wife: a relationship that is considered to be ...: Learn more.
When a common-law marriage exists, the spouses receive the same legal treatment given to legally married couples. 如果造成事实婚姻,婚姻双方在法律上享受与合法婚姻伴侣相同的待遇。 在这些条目还发现'common-law marriage': 在英文解释里: concubinage ...