common law— 普通法 · 习惯法 common law名— 共同法名 · 成文法名 a law— 律条 legal system名— 法制名 · 法制上名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2025 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 ...
The common law is a legal system in which previous court decisions establish legal precedents & new decisions must be in keeping with past decisions.
Law in the United States is based on common law, using the Constitution as the backbone for all legal theory. The system of law coming from the three branches of government and moving from the Federal system down to the local levels, and in the case of appeals, from the local level up...
The Legal System Of A Common Law Country ; The British Legal System ; The American Legal System ; Constitutionally Protected Rights Of The U.S.A. (2e Edition)Dalloz
普通法ACommon lawlegal system is a system of law characterized bycase lawwhich is___developed by___through___of___andsimilar tribunals.___Common law systems also include statutes enacted by legislative bodies, though those statutes typically either codify judicial decisions or fill in areas of ...
a美国属于普通法系国家,其法律制度有两个基本特点:一是分散制为原则;二是以判例法为主体。 US belongs to the ordinary legal system country, its legal regime has two essential features: One, the dispersible system is a principle; Two, take the case-law as the main body.[translate]...
The class action in Common Law legal system 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 133 作者: R Mulheron 摘要: Multi-party litigation is a world-wide legal process, and the class action device is one of its best-known manifestations. As a means of providing access to justice and achieving ...
Moving from a clear definition of the diverse and concurring meanings attributed to the syntagma “Common Law,” the essay rediscovers the genealogical construction of the English legal tradition. A particular emphasis is given to the relationship betwee
Common law - Early Statute, Legal System, Precedent: Edward I (reigned 1272–1307) has been called the English Justinian because his enactments had such an important influence on the law of the Middle Ages. Edward’s civil legislation, which amended the
US common law originates from medieval England, however, today both the US and UK operate under a dual system of both common and civil law.1 The Bottom Line Although common law is derived from its original appearance in medieval England, it is still very much in effect in the US and els...