Transcribed by David Price, email COCK LANE AND COMMON-SENSE TO JAMES PAYN, Esq. Dear Payn, Spirits much more rare and valuable than those spoken of in this book are yours. Whatever 'Mediums' may be able to do, you can 'transfer' Hi
For three years, Curley has been fighting charges of mail fraud stemming from a partner's war contracts, until a jury found him guilty and a judge sentenced him to eighteen months in prison. In June 1947 Curley's appeals run out and the old political warhorse is led into the federal pen...
4. Push all federal functions not enumerated in the Constitution back down to state and local control, including health, education, agriculture, welfare, law enforcement, etc. Eliminate the federal taxes that were allocated to these functions and let states fund their own systems. 5. Challenge ...
The Roberts court — whether the Chief Justice likes it or not — will forever be known as the place where individual liberty goes to die. The three most recent appointees flat out lied to the Senate when they said, “Roe v. Wadeis settled law.” Settled law is settled: it’s not up...
Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell alleges that Zuckerberg directly funded election fraud in what should be a massive scandal. Are We Praising God for the Miracles Or Dismissing Them? Millions of people fasted and prayed when COVID-19 hit. According to the CDC the number of total ...
“…allows the president to use the military in a state to suppress any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy that so hinders the execution of the laws that any portion of the state’s inhabitants are deprived of a constitutional right and state authorities are ...
the [S&et] invulon had taken place." The stmg8le for liberty of expression la Czechoslovakia - and in Poland - is "far from over," Reewa says. He's closely obsened the signatories of Charter '17,Czechs who "assut that ewytbing they do, say, and ask for is within the law. ...
a reasonable doubt that the failure was “willful.” If Hunter Biden fights this case through trial, a jury would have to find that he intentionally and voluntarily violated his duty to file taxes, and that his failure did not stem from a misunderstanding...
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea obligates states to protect and preserve the marine environment which includes the Baltic Sea (Art. 192 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea). To this end, states have to adopt measures which, inter alia, address the release ...
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but that thecivilcourts were always open forcivilremedy so that the military would not have to take charge and imposemartial lawor in our case todaymartial law rule. Are these two provisions still written in your new and improved (sic) State Constitutions...