Common Law Countries 美 英 un.英美法国家 网络习惯法国家 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 英美法国家 1. Incommon-lawcountries,thebattlegroundofthecourtisofapiecewith theadversarial,yetrule-bound,spiritofpolitics. 在普通法系国家,法庭这座战场便是对抗性的但受制于规则的政治精神的一个例子。
In common-law countries, the battleground of the court is of a piece with the adversarial, yet rule-bound, spirit of politics. 在普通法系国家,法庭这座战场便是对抗性的但受制于规则的政治精神的一个例子。 2. In common law countries known as an expert witness in the civil law...
common law countries 读音:美英 common law countries基本解释 普通法国家 分词解释 common普通的 law法 countries国家( country的名词复数 ) common law countries是什么意思 common law countries怎么读 common law countries在线翻译 common law countries中文意思 common law countries的解释 common law countries的发音...
The Harmonised System of Nomenclature code, or HSN, contains 6-digit numbers used by global authorities to classify globally traded goods. The HTS, or the Harmonised Tariff Schedule code, on the other hand, is a 10-digit classification system used by some countries, such as ...
Recognition of common law marriage extends beyond the United States, with some countries acknowledging such unions. However, the criteria and legal consequences can vary widely. Couples must research and understand the laws of the specific country or jurisdiction in which they reside. ...
Historically, tort choice of law has been one of the most unsettled areas of private international law in Anglo-common law jurisdictions. Two controversial decisions by superior courts in the past decade, namely the High Court of Australia in Neilson v Overseas Projects Corporation of Victoria Ltd...
Based on US and British regulations in force, this article offers an overview of legislation of two Common Law countries in the area of modern forms of law
Chapter two delineates minutely the basic rule concerning the bail in majorcommon lawcountries. 第二章为英美法系保释制度的基本内容. The key operation of thecommon lawsystem is to follow precedent. 普通法系判例法的运作关键,在于对先例的遵循. ...
common law countriesThe purpose of this article is to consider the approach to prosecuting war crimes in a handful of common law countries. Of particular focus will be the AustraliBoas, Gideon JohnSocial Science Electronic PublishingBoas, G., `War Crimes Prosecutions in Australia and other Common...
Chapter two delineates minutely the basic rule concerning the bail in majorcommon lawcountries. 第二章为英美法系保释制度的基本内容. 期刊摘选 The key operation of thecommon lawsystem is to follow precedent. 普通法系判例法的运作关键,在于对先例的遵循. ...