Are you Hispanic or Latino:你是拉丁裔美国人或墨西哥人吗? Please indicate how you identify yourself. (Select one or more): 请指出你的种族身份(可多选),一般选Asian亚裔。 Which best describes your Asian background:属于哪一个亚裔背景?中国学生选China。 Country of Birth: 出生国家。 City of Birth:...
U.S. Armed forces status:填No relationship或空着不填。 Are you Hispanic or Latino:你是拉丁裔美国人或墨西哥人吗? Please indicate how you identify yourself. (Select one or more): 请指出你的种族身份(可多选),一般选Asian亚裔。 Which best describes your Asian background:属于哪一个亚裔背景?中国...
Common Name is a New York-based graphic design studio focusing on print, interactive, identity, and exhibition work for art, architecture, culture, and education.
- Suffix: 后缀,不用填 - Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选Yes, 并写上改过前的,若没有,选No.尤其注意自己成绩单等申请材料上会出现不同名字(包括英文名)的请务必要填写曾用名。 - Sex: 性别 Male男 Female女 - Date of birth: 月/日/年 Address: - Permanent Home Address...
Asian American Center Health Services International Center Latino(a) Center LGBT Center Office Of Public Safety The Women’s Center Tufts Policy On Sexual Harassment Women’s Studies Program Tufts Gender Blender Twitter Tweets by TUGenderBlender
Flies are a very common pest and infestations should not be taken lightly. An Ehrlich specialist can help you get rid of flies at your home or business. Your specialist will find out what type of fly is invading your home, implement a control method to fix the problem, and provide you ...
- Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选Yes, 并写上改过前的,若没有,选No.尤其注意自己成绩单等申请材料上会出现不同名字(包括英文名)的请务必要填写曾用名。 - Sex: 性别 Male男 Female女 - Date of birth: 月/日/年 ...
Are you Hispanic or Latino?:你是拉丁裔美国人或墨西哥人吗?选No Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself. (Select one or more): 请指出你的种族身份(可多选),一般选Asian亚裔 Which best describes your Asian background:属于哪一个亚裔背景?中国学生选...
of the population — wasn’t born here, and their names aren’t included in the SSA’s database of baby names. We needed a way to count them, too, and started by focusing on immigrants who are Hispanic or Latino, because they make up almost half the country’s foreign-born population...
1. Are you Hispanic/Latino? p Yes, Hispanic or Latino (including Spain) p No I yes, please describe your background. ___ 2. Regardless o your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identi y yoursel . (Check one or more and describe your background.) p American Indian...