In other places across the country — particularly in the southwest — Hispanic or Latino populations arrived with a completely different tradition of family names. These can include Chavez, Diaz, Ruiz, Cruz, Gutierrez, Mendoza, Jimenez, and many others. ...
Have you ever used any other names?: 是否有曾用名。 Sex/Male/Female 性别/男/女。 Date of birth: 月/日/年。 Permanent Home Address 永久/家庭居住地址,如果注册时没有填写永久家庭住址,点击Edit. Address填写完毕后选择Use as entered, 以自己输入的具体地址为准,系统自己拉取的住址一般不准确For exampl...
Flies are a very common pest and infestations should not be taken lightly. An Ehrlich specialist can help you get rid of flies at your home or business. Your specialist will find out what type of fly is invading your home, implement a control method to fix the problem, and provide you ...
Bitch. Cripple. Grow a pair. Lame. Cunt. White trash. “He/his/him” as a generic when the gender of a subject is not known. Ballsy. Harpy. Whore. Female impersonator. Jewed. Real woman. Retarded. Slut. Dumb. Natural woman. Harridan. Witch. Idiot. Man up. Biological sex. Crazy. ...
Have you ever used any other names?: 是否有曾用名。 Sex/Male/Female 性别/男/女。 Date of birth: 月/日/年。 Permanent Home Address 永久/家庭居住地址,如果注册时没有填写永久家庭住址,点击Edit. Address填写完毕后选择Use as entered, 以自己输入的具体地址为准,系统自己拉取的住址一般不准确For exampl...
- Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选Yes, 并写上改过前的,若没有,选No.尤其注意自己成绩单等申请材料上会出现不同名字(包括英文名)的请务必要填写曾用名。 - Sex: 性别 Male男 Female女 - Date of birth: 月/日/年 ...
- Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选Yes, 并写上改过前的,若没有,选No.尤其注意自己成绩单等申请材料上会出现不同名字(包括英文名)的请务必要填写曾用名。 - Sex: 性别 Male男 Female女 - Date of birth: 月/日/年 ...
of the population — wasn’t born here, and their names aren’t included in the SSA’s database of baby names. We needed a way to count them, too, and started by focusing on immigrants who are Hispanic or Latino, because they make up almost half the country’s foreign-born population...
Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选 Yes, 并写上曾用名,若没有,选 No. Sex: 性别 Male 男 Female 女 Date of birth: 月/日/年 Address: Permanent Home Address 永久/家庭居住地址:会自动跳出注册时填的地址。如果注册时填的不是永久居住地址,点击Edit. 填写完毕后选择Use as en...
1. Are you Hispanic/Latino? p Yes, Hispanic or Latino (including Spain) p No I yes, please describe your background. ___ 2. Regardless o your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identi y yoursel . (Check one or more and describe your background.) p American Indian...