And across the west coast and Hawaii, you might find last names of Asian descent, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, or Japanese. Names rising in popularity over the past few decades include Nguyen, Lee, Zhang, Wong, and Kim. ...
Variable names. Variable nameBrief description AGE Age (years) SEX Sex (1 = Male, 2 = Female) SMOKSTAT Smoking status (1 = Never, 2 = Former, 3 = Current Smoker) QUETELET Quetelet (weight/height2) VITUSE Vitamin Use (1 = Yes, fairly often, 2 = Yes, not often, 3 = No) ...
So when Korean and Chinese people visit the United States they sometimes feel very surprised when they see Americans hug and kiss on the street.In some countries friends show physical affection to each other. In some South American countries female friends walk arm in arm when they walk along ...
When Gascón won joint best actress at Cannes last May, the first transgender performer to have done so, he tearfully dedicated the award to all trans people “who suffer” and duly predicted what he wanted to come true, “Tomorrow, there will be plenty of comments from terrible people sayin...
Maternal autoimmune disease was associated with a 29% increased incidence rate of TS in male offspring but no significant findings in female offspring, suggesting sex differences in susceptibility to maternal inflammation from autoimmune diseases65. No studies have examined an association between maternal ...