中国文化常识zhōngguówénhuàchángshíCommonKnowledgeAboutChineseCulture 中国传统思想概述IntroductiontoTraditionalChineseCulturezhōngguóchuántǒngsīxiǎnggàishù 一、春秋战国时期思想家Confucius孔子kǒngzǐMencius孟子mèngziLaozi老子lǎoziZhuangzi庄子zhuāngzi 551B.C--479B.C孔子是春秋时期伟大的思想家、教育家...
中国文化常识zhōngguówénhuàchángshíCommonKnowledgeAboutChineseCulture 宫廷TheImperialPalacegōngtíng Theimperialpalacewastheresidenceoftheemperorandhisfamily.宫廷—皇帝的家gōngtínghuángdìdejiā 古代宫廷的设计一般分为前后两部分。前面是皇帝处理朝政的地方,后面是帝王后妃们居住的地方。gǔdàigōngtíngdeshèjì...
网络中国文化常识 网络释义 1. 中国文化常识|基于6个网页
Common Knowledge about Chinese Culture, History and Geography Series is divided into three books on culture, history and geography, all of which have Chinese-French, Chinese-Korean and Chinese-Japanese versions. With interesting stories and beautiful pictures, it expounds Chinese culture, history and...
中国文物Chinese Cultural Relics 甲骨文Jiaguwen 三星堆文化SanxingduiCulture 司母戊方鼎Simuwu Ding 越王勾践剑Sword of King Goujian of Yue 良渚美玉Liangzhu Jade 长信宫灯Changxin Palace Lamp 秦始皇陵兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses...
Common Knowledge about Chinese Culture, History and Geography Series is divided into three books on culture, history and geography, all of which have Chinese-French, Chinese-Korean and Chinese-Japanese versions. With interesting stories and beautiful pictures, it expounds Chinese culture, history and...
中国传统文化常识集锦(Collection of common knowledge of Chinese traditional culture) 中国传统文化常识集锦(Collection of common knowledge of Chinese traditional culture) Collection of common knowledge of Chinese traditional culture [twelve zodiac signs] "Chinese" rat ox tiger rabbit, dragon, snake, Wu Ma...
For example, foreigners with some knowledge about Chinese culture will avoid making an appointment with Chinese businesspeople to negotiate during the traditional Chinese Spring Festival, especially on the New Year’s Eve and in the following three days, as Chinese people think that it is not the...
Let me report just a little bit about some common ground that has begun to emerge in my hometown. common knowledge Something known by most people. 大多数人都知道的事,众所周知之事;常识 it's common knowledge that no one has yet found a cure for cancer Example sentencesExamples These facts ...
Why: The most important intention is to expand students’ knowledge about Chinese culture and enable them to have a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese art forms. Meanwhile, it also aims to boost their national pride and cultural confidence . Now, let’s analyze my target students. As ...