Did you find your name on the list? If not, do you wonder why? Much of this has to do with where surnames came from and their meanings. Believe it or not, surnames are a newer technology. Before 3,000 years ago, no one even used surnames, rather, everyone just went by their first...
son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex aka Harry and Meghan. Goldmann Origin: Ashkenazi Meaning: Gold. The surname Williams was omitted from the original lists. British surnames reflect their rich cultural heritage and adhere
(e.g.,山元,Yamamoto,baseofthemountain).However,somesurnamesconsist ofoneorthreeormorecharacters. Includedinthefollowinglist,also,aretwosingle-kanjiChinesesurnames(陳(Chin)and李(Ri)), whichareusedbyChineseimmigrantstoJapanandtheirdescendants.(Incidentally,theworld’s mostcommonsurnameis王(WanginMandarin...