Those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder dream about tornadoes more frequently than the average person. If you have GAD, you often find yourselfoverthinking at nightand struggling to stay asleep. Tornado dreams are fast-paced and characterized by extreme stress. This type of dream indicates a feeling...
9. Overthinking Things Any online shop has many moving parts. A common mistake that any new company often makes is overthinking all of the small details. Yes, you will make mistakes. That’s just business. If you focus too much on these small issues, you will miss out on the huge oppor...
A growing understanding has emerged that procrastination is underpinned by emotional issues. The gist of this argument is generally that people who procrastinate have poor distress tolerance. When faced with a task that stirs their negative emotions, they freeze and retreat rather than work through th...
Alternatively, a more relaxed way to address this prompt is using an informal event or realization, which would allow you to show more personality and creativity. An example of this could be learning how to bake with your mother, thus sparking a newfound connection with her, allowing you to ...
I would strongly encourage you to work closely with a therapist on these issues. It can be very tough to do it alone. Reply Tanja Son September 3, 2011 at 3:04 am Thanks so much for your detailed reply!! I am having therapy with a Mental health nurse here in country SA. I am wor...
that hasn’t been thoroughly evaluated or approved by the FDA.” As a result, people who are most qualified in terms of training and experience (such as psychiatrists) are less likely to evaluate potential treatments than people who aren’t trained because of the fear of liability issues. ...
Physically, headaches come from stress, dietary triggers, and allergies, which can be seen in mental aspects as not being able to tolerate the before mentioned various issues in life. With all this being said, here’s how to alleviate headaches without medication. This is as good a time as...