especially for children who tend to suffer the most during this transition period. Today, let's discuss common childhood illnesses in autumn and winter so that we can take preventive measures.肺炎支原体(肺部呼吸道)Mycoplasma Pne...
儿童常见病症(Commondiseasesinchildren) Notesforchildren'scommonillnesses<5435>byteslemonfamily 2007-4-1223:08:07publishedintherealestateportal- SouFun>OwnersForum>MamyPokoownersforum 1.acutefever:thevastmajorityofchildrenwithacutefever iscausedbyrespiratoryproblems,amongwhichthemostcommon...
Raising healthy and happy children is a priority for parents. Educate yourself about the nutrition needs and common illnesses affecting your kids
题目The flu(流感) is a common illness(疾病).Children easily catch the flu in winter months.It can pass from one person to another very quickly.Sometimes the flu is just like a common cold.In fact,it can cause serious illnesses.But don't worry.Most people can be ...
This guide to common illnesses in children fills you in on which are and are not contagious. It also provides tips for how to keep your child healthy or get them on the road to recovery. Cold and Flu: Contagious No wonder it's called thecommoncold -- the average preschool and elementary...
Flu is a common illness.Kids easily catch the flu in winter months.It can pass from one person to another very quickly.Sometimes the flu is just like a common cold.In fact,it can cause serious illnesses.But don't worry,most people can be well without any problem....
The flu is a common illness. Children easily catch the flu in winter months. It can pass from one person to another very quickly. Sometimes the flu is just like a common cold. In fact, it can cause serious illnesses. But don’t worry. Most people can be all right without any problems...
Kids Health Flu is a common illness. Kids easily catch the flu in winter months. It can pass from one person to another very quickly.Sometimes the flu is just like a common cold.In fact,it can cause serious illnesses.But don't worry,most people can be well without any ...
and Yarbrough, C. (1983) The energy cost of diarrheal diseases and other common illnesses in children. In: Diarrhea and Malnutrition, pp. 125-142. (Chen, L.D. and Scrimshaw, N.S., eds.). Plenum Press. New York and LondonMartorell R, Yarborough C. The energy cost of diarrheal ...