For those looking to match up common plant names with botanical names, we offer the following simple list. Common name is listed first, followed by botanical name and extension ( if known ). Abscess Root Polemonium reptans Acanthus-leaved Thistle Carlina acanthifolia Accocha Cyclanthera pedata A...
Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge Talk about fathers and sons. You can’t tell me that these two weren’t traditionally oriented towards celebrating. They look totally festive. Perfect for multiple occasions. (King Edward VII of UK with Prince George. 1902. USPD/
Zoophilic dermatophytes are frequently responsible for superficial mycoses in mammals worldwide. They comprise approximately ten specialized parasitic fungi belonging to genera Trichophyton and Microsporum. Due to contagious nature of the disease, the ma
There is no right or wrong spatial distance to plant your leylandii trees when creating your hedgerows. Most folks plant them around 3 feet apart, which allows for a quick-forming hedge. Others opt to plant them a bit wider and wait an additional year or two for them to grow together an...