Healthcare professionalsKSAKnowledge and educationMedical ethicsPhysiciansThere are growing concerns about ethical issues in the healthcare system. This study was conducted to determine the nature of common ethical issues faced by healthcare providers in a tertiary-care hospital in KSA....
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industry discover research, insights, and solutions tailored to your company and industry. explore all industries automotive communications consumer goods energy & utilities engineering, construction & real estate financial services government healthcare & life sciences manufacturing media ...
Common Healthcare Compliance Mistakes The first and most serious mistake medical companies, medical practices, doctors, nurses, and others make is – failing to make an appointment with an experienced healthcare lawyer – to discuss the federal and state regulations that govern their business or ...
Common medical ethical issues faced by healthcare professionals in KSA There are growing concerns about ethical issues in the healthcare system. This study was conducted to determine the nature of common ethical issues faced b... F Abuabah,A Alwan,Y Al-Jahdali,... - 《Journal of Taibah Uni...
Evaluating complex interventions in End of Life Care: the MORECare Statement on good practice generated by a synthesis of transparent expert consultations ... Background Despite being a core business of medicine, end of life care (EoLC) is neglected. It is hampered by research that is ...
General health status was correlated with severity of bodily pain and was not included in multivariable models. Ethical approvals were obtained by Duke University Campus IRB and the Comite National d’Ethique de la Recherche pour la Sante Humaine of Cameroon....
Clinicians new to the PCBH model often have numerous concerns about ethical issues. This is due partly to the practice differences inherent to the model and partly to characteristics of the primary care setting. The ethical areas most commonly of concern involve confidentiality, competence, and info...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been extensively used in numerous commercial products including textiles, cosmetics, and health care items mainly due to their strong antimicrobial properties1,2. Previous studies esti- mated that the production of AgNPs and the number of AgNP-containing products would...
This is one of the more common cat health issues, but there are others as well. Even with diligent dental care, cat tooth problems can surface. Visit this page to learn about gingivitis in cats, periodontal disease, polyps, ulcers, lesions, tumors and more. This is an overview of sign,...