内部空间实拍如下:整个商场楼高3层,间隔成不同区域,分为Street Market、Market Hall、Terrace Market、Market Ground和Food Truck Market 四、业态规划 “COMMON GROUND”约有70多家店铺入驻。潮流品牌包括NBUTTON、Critic、Hide Out、Moonshot、WAYS SPELL、Designskin等潮牌,兼顾了男、女生的需求,引进:该购物中心入驻5...
The article focuses on laws regarding food trucks in the U.S. Topics include legal disputes regarding the type of food served by mobile vendors, proximity bans against food trucks selling food similar to a nearby brick and mortar restaurant, street congestion caused due to food trucks near ...
整个商场楼高3层,间隔成不同区域,分为Street Market、Market Hall、Terrace Market、Market Ground和Food Truck Market,内里的潮流品牌包括NBUTTON、Critic、HideOut、Moonshot、WAYS SPELL、Designskin等,大多是少见于百货店或大型连锁商场的设计品,以个性取胜。 Common Ground分为两大区的集装箱体,一区是StreetMarket,...
Common Ground,是韩国第一座完全由集装箱组成的大型商业综合体,也是当地一座地标性建筑。 占地5300平 施工时间仅为五个月 1 Common Ground由200多个蓝色集装箱组成,占地约5300平,也许你很难想象,建造这样一头蓝色巨兽,现场施工时间仅为五个月。所有箱体都是由工厂预先生产,再搬运到现场进行组装,预制建筑技术的推广...
其实单看Common Ground的外观已觉得它够厉害,由200个蓝色货柜拼合而成的商场,美式工业风又Old School,非常有个性,而且它可是全世界最大的美式货柜市集! 购物 整个商场楼高3层,间隔成不同区域,分为Street Market、Market Hall、Terrace Market、Market Ground和Food Truck Market,内里的潮流品牌包括NBUTTON、Critic、Hi...
This common ground either does not exist or the common ground constitutes the absence of sectoral collaboration and proliferation of acting with an intersectoral orientation (for the planning of collective, long-term, infrastructure investments). Put more clearly: a basic language that allows ...
Common landscaping procedures include trimming overgrown branches, trimming grass, arranging stones, ground levelling and planting flowers. You should look for the best landscaping expert for some quality service. One of the things you should consider when hiring them is experience. They should have ...
If you know or work adjacent to the auto industry, you know how much metal and other precious metals are inside our vehicles. The best part is there is always someone looking to scrap an old vehicle that is no longer working. So make sure to keep your ear to the ground to try and ...
Citi has a rich history as a training ground for future leaders. In 1914, as the bank continued to expand internationally, Citi president Frank Vanderlip formalized that role in Citi's first official learning and development c urriculum, dwelling not only on the rigors of banking ...
Common Ground分为两大区的集装箱体,一区是Street Market,1楼和2楼的店面主打女装潮流服饰、化妆品、小饰品和生活杂货,我就在这里耗费了巨多时间。 另一区是Market Hall,1楼和2楼售卖的是时下流行男装服饰和特色潮物。更有意思的还有一个红色的集装箱。里面竟然是DJ现场打碟。