cmake时如有报错或警告: –Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen sudo apt-get install doxygen –Checking for module ‘libsystemd’ sudo apt-get install libsystemd-dev asciidoc is not installed. Readme can not be built. sudo apt-get install asciidoc –No package ‘automotive-dlt’ found 下载dlt-d...
boostc++cmake Cmake cannot find Boost libraries 我是Cmake的新手,并增强了C ++中的库。 我...
成功解决Ubuntu下的make gccCommandnot found Makefile85 recipe for target 'objgemmo'failedmake mmvjsuds2018-12-24 11:47:34 AD输出Gerber提示Gerberfailedto matchallshapes的解决 今天有网友问我 AD输出Gerber提示Gerberfailedto matchallshapes怎么解决这里给大家解决的办法,主要是D码格式的问题1、在输出Gerber的...
[root@localhost quagga]# dnf install gcc-c++ [root@localhost quagga]# ./configure --enable-user=root --enable-group=root --with-cflags=-ggdb --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/quagga --enable-vtysh --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga //下面一行暂不需要 ...
The Clang/LLVM compiler provides a set of "sanitizers" (adopted by gcc) that address C/C++ "code safety" issues. While they address many of the same bugs, the solutions provided by the SaferCPlusPlus library and the Clang/LLVM sanitizers differ in significant ways. Namely (as of Sep 2016...
OS version: System Version: macOS 10.13.2 (17C88) Kernel Version: Darwin 17.3.0 Python version: 2.7.10 cmake version: 3.11.0 protoc version: 3.5.1 gcc version: Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2) It failed with the error during r...
error("Unsuported Linux toolchain, only GCC 32- or 64-bit is supported") } } else : win32 { contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { message("Windows build") CONFIG += WindowsBuild CONFIG += WarningsAsErrorsOn DEFINES += __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS DEFINES += QGC_GST_TAISYNC_ENA...
python build # 如果报gcc编译错误,请自行安装、升级gcc\gcc-c++ python install 问题原因: Ambari安装过程会安装一个目录 /usr/lib/python2.6 ,因为系统是CentOS 7.3,默认使用的是 python 2.7.5,不应该有 python2.6的依赖的。 查看系统python命令,下图红框中的命令是ambari生成的 ...
CommonAPI使用了许多C++11特性,如可变模板,std::bind,std::function等。需要确保目标平台的编译器能够编译(例如gcc 4.8) CommonAPI依赖CMake编译,需要确定你的编译平台已支持CMake,并且CMake版本大于2.8.12 代码生成器的构建工具链是Maven,确保你的编译平台的Maven3是有效的 ...