Bush tuckervaries depending on the region, climate, and season. Kangaroo, emu, and possum are available all year round and are popular meat choices among the Aborigines. Other meats, such as lizards, frogs, and turtles, are most often enjoyed during the summer. Seafood is also a common meal...
Elevated salinities can result in dir- ect mortality of freshwater species leading to deleterious outcomes for wildlife populations [29]. For wood frogs, salinization can negatively influence population demog- raphy [39], rates of growth and development via altered activity levels [27], and can...
【参考M.J. Tyler, Australian Frogs: A Natural History (Sydney, Australia: Reed New Holland, 1999), p. 80.】 DNA 比较——可以有不同的解释 《科学美国人》反复重申一个普遍的论点-DNA的比较可以帮助科学家重建生物体的进化过程: “宏观进化研究生物分类学上物种水平之上的变化,它经常以化石记录和DNA...