Red-shouldered Hawks prey on snakes, frogs, and other small animals. They forage by waiting on a perch and then swooping down to catch the animal on the ground. This species builds a bulky stick nest high in a tree in wooded and semi-wooded areas, often near wetlands. The Red-shouldered...
the pathogen was found in wild frogs in multiple areas across the island, where representatives of all anuran families have tested Bd-positive.26,28However, results from field surveys from the same sites are conflicting, and there has been no evidence of mass amphibian mortalities, raising the ...
Also, included in the cryptid category is that specialty of Charles Fort, himself: strange rainfalls- usually of small animals: frogs, fish, rodents, grasshoppers, rotting flesh, squirrels, lizards, etc. But, as with all the other LCD categories we have seen, the same prevalence of archetypes...
This beautiful bird lives in open and semi-open habitats in southern Canada and the USA east of the Rocky Mountains. They also live in the mountains in Mexico and northern Central America (including Maryland). Turkey Vulture Scientific name:Cathartes aura Length:26 inches Weight:4 pounds Wingspa...
D. rotunduscontinues to be the principal RABV reservoir in the Latin American region (Constantine and Blehert2009; Horta et al.2022). ShouldD. rotundusspread to southern Texas in the United States, a livestock-dense portion of the country, the economic impact via rabies in cattle, swine, ...