Hip fractures in the geriatric population are a common injury encountered in the emergency department. The recommendations for preoperative medical workup and management of these patients have recently been evaluated. Although medical therapies have been designed in an attempt to decrease the rate of ...
FallsFalls are by far the most common injury among the elderly. Fall injuries can result in broken bones, fractures, sprains, concussions and further head trauma. The sustaining injuries can place a senior in hospital for months on end. Grueling recovery from a broken hip or brain injury are ...
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Describe the common types of bone fractures. How would bone density be affected in an individual who is sedentary? What are the causes and effects of osteoporosis? Discuss the ways to counter or correct the progress of this condition. What causes acromegaly? What is chronic inflamm...
The hip, spine and wrist are most susceptible to fractures or breaks in those with osteoporosis. Those at high risk for osteoporosis include: The elderly Smaller, thinner women Asian and white women Those with a family history of osteoporosis Those with anorexia nervosa Those with low calcium ...
Exposure to HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors is associated with a decreased risk of bone fractures in persons older than 50.[Ref] Hematologic Frequency not reported:Hemolytic anemia,thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), leukopenia (These effects may be manifestations of a hypersensitivity...
Exposure to HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors is associated with a decreased risk of bone fractures in persons older than 50.[Ref] Hematologic Frequency not reported: Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), leukopenia (These effects may be manifestations of a hypersensiti...
in women than in men, and increased with age in both sexes until age 80 years, with a slight decline beyond that age.2 In a study of patients in a health maintenance organization, the incidence of symptomatic hip OA in elderly women was 239 per 100,000 person-years at ages 60 to 69...
Abstract Elderly patients present a unique challenge to the family physician in that they commonly present with multiple problems that are each multifactorial in nature. A systematic approach is needed to assess and manage the common problems of the elderly (Adelman and Daly, 20 common problems in...
15. Weise WJ, Possidente CJ (2000) "Fatal rhabdomyolysis associated with simvastatin in a renal transplant patient." Am J Med, 108, p. 351-2 16. Meier CR, Schlienger RG, Kraenzlin ME, Schlegel B, Jick H (2000) "HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and the risk of fractures." JAMA, 283,...