Related to Common dolphinfish:Dolphin fish,Coryphaena equiselis ma·hi-ma·hi alsoma·hi ma·hi(mä′hē-mä′hē)·hi-ma·his 1.Seedolphinfish. 2.The flesh of a dolphinfish when used for food. [Hawaiianmahimahi.]
↵ Nelson JS , Crossman EJ , Espinoza-Perez H , Findley LT , Gilbert CR , Lea RN , Williams JD . Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada . Mexico. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Pub 2004 ; 29 : 1 - 386 ....
Long ago, Mexican wolves were common all through the Southwestern US and Northern Mexico. But as more human activities appeared in the areas, the wolves were hunted until they almost died out. The Mexican wolf is the rarest kind of gray wolf in North America. In the1970s, the US governmen...
Long ago, Mexican wolves were common all through thesouthwest US and northern Mexico. But as more humanactivities appeared in the area, the wolves were hunted untilthey almost died out. The Mexican wof is the rarest kind of graywolf in North America. In the 1970s, the US government begana...
barking frog, Hylactophryne augusti, robber frog - of southwest United States and Mexico; call is like a dog's bark crapaud, Leptodactylus pentadactylus, South American bullfrog - large toothed frog of South America and Central America resembling the bullfrog tree frog, tree-frog - any of var...
The forest transition as a window of opportunity to change the governance of common-pool resources: The case of Mexico's Mixteca Alta The notion of windows of opportunity, developed in the literature on adaptive governance, refers to the existence of circumstances or events that trigger a... M...
Pathogenic Leptospira species are globally important zoonotic pathogens capable of infecting a wide range of host species. In marine mammals, reports of Leptospira have predominantly been in pinnipeds, with isolated reports of infections in cetaceans. On
In a paper published in print inSystematic Biologytoday, researchers including some of the biggest names in ichthyology from LSU and universities and museums across the U.S. and in Mexico used highly conserved regions of animal genomes, called ultraconserved elements (UCEs), to compile one of the...
This raptor catches fish, insects, and other small animals on the ground, in and near streams and other wetlands. It builds a messy stick nest in a tree near a stream. The Common Black Hawk lives in gallery forest in parts of Arizona and near lowland wetland habitats in Mexico, Central ...
This beautiful bird occurs in pairs and nests in bushes and low trees. It is common in the eastern and southwestern USA, making it one of the most common birds of Arkansas. They are also present in southern Ontario, and in Mexico. ...