C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\caps C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\backup 【64位系统】 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps C:\Program Files(x86) \Common Files\Adobe\backup 把里面的两个叫 "caps.dll" 的文件都删除 也可以直接删除 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 整...
这个看上去是数据库文件,你可以先把这个文件的名字改一下,比如你原来的文件名字是prdb.db,现在改为11.db,名字可以改,后缀暂时不改,然后你看其他软件还能用不,能用的话就不要删除也可以,万一出什么问题也可以恢复,如果不能用的话,再把名字改回来就是了。可以删的 ,删了之后就重做系统吧。
楼主你好,你这个很正常,你放心好了,你之所以会两个叫program files的文件夹是因为你系统是64位的,前一个文件夹里面的程序应该都是64位的应用程序,后一个文件夹应该就是和一般系统是32位系统里面那个program files文件夹是一样的,你可以上网找找x86是什么意思,好好看看,可能我说的不对有 ...
The user should disable the Full Save option in the ReaderExtensions tool; then, it will enable the incremental save feature for PDF files. Then, incremental save to make the PDF file a little bit larger and compels the Adobe Reader or Acrobat DC to save file faster. Thus, the chances of...
韩录: 删除c:\Programfiles\commonfiles\Adobe\backup和c:\Programfiles\commonfiles\Adobe\caPS里的caPS.db删除这两个文件重装这是安装AE出现这个问题的解决方法,PS也许也能用,你试试吧 Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 (4) 回复 (3) C4D安装不了缺少文件 共1条回答 > 💋.: 这个可以尝试再重新安装一遍,如...
#(30 30) 0, :ROUND line caps[Function] translate x y => | Offsets the coordinate system by x units horizontally and y units vertically. [Function] rotate radians => | Rotates the coordinate system by radians. [Function] scale sx sy => | ...
Import certificates to Adobe ColdFusion's truststore support.sas.com/rnd/javadoc/93/Components/com/sas/net/ssl/doc-files/ssl_import_server_certificate_to_truststore.html Import Certs Using Java Keytool Using Java Keytool to Obtain a CA Certificate and How to Install the Certificate to Tomcat ...
External Media Manifest files are typically referenced in Experience/ExperienceChild/ExternalManifestID. Element Attribute Definition Value Card. InventoryManifest- type ManifestID Manifest ID associated with external Media Manifest md:id-type ContainerReference Reference to Container containing manifest:Container...
All files turned to adobe while working on net. Sony Vaio Lap top and OS Windows-7 home basic. Thanks Akhidenor james March 13, 2012| Pls, my toshiba laptop goes blank whenever the hardisk is instaled but come on with figures & numbers when the hardisk is removed. What do l do?