There are now dozens of MBIs with varying degrees of empirical support and a variety of mindfulness-specific psychological mechanisms have been proposed to account for the beneficial effects of MBIs. Although it has long been acknowledged that non-specific or common factors might contribute to MBI ...
Another part of this problem may be related to responses of A&A to specific anatomic and physiologic attributes of mice. For example, fast metabolism and excretion of A&A drugs in mice, reduces the half-life of these drugs and limits the duration of A&A. This along with reduced liver gl...
International Review of Financial AnalysisJuneja, J. "Common factors, principal components analysis, and the term structure of interest rates", International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 24, 2012, pp. 48-56.Januj Juneja.Common factors, principal components analysis, and the term structure ...
Another part of this problem may be related to responses of A&A to specific anatomic and physiologic attributes of mice. For example, fast metabolism and excretion of A&A drugs in mice, reduces the half-life of these drugs and limits the duration of A&A. This along with reduced liver gl...
The human brain forms functional networks of correlated activity, which have been linked with both cognitive and clinical outcomes. However, the genetic variants affecting brain function are largely unknown. Here, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance images from 47,276 individuals to disc...
The number of factors rotated, the interaction of rotations with common variance, and the interaction of rotations with error were found significant at the .01 level in all four problems. The interaction of rotations with common variance and error was found significant at the .01 level for ...
cDNA libraries that provide good, faithful representation of the expressed genome depend on several factors including the quality and integrity of the source mRNA population. For the reverse transcription steps, it is also crucial that the...
The use of bio-stimulants in agriculture has emerged as a promising strategy to improve crop growth and yield. One type of bio-stimulant that has gained attention is microalgae extracts, which are known for their high metabolic activity, bioactive compounds, and ability to enhance plant growth ...
Common hamsters have a promiscuous mating system and males face a high intrasexual competition, particularly at the onset of the mating period shortly after female emergence56. Furthermore, males usually have scrotal testes at vernal emergence, but testes size continuously increases until shortly ...
Common beans are a common staple food with valuable nutritional qualities, but their high contents in antinutritional factors (ANFs) can decrease the bioavailability of (i) fat-soluble micronutrients including carotenoids and (ii) minerals. Our objective was to select ANF-poor bean lines that would...