This web site contains U.S. demographic information. It includes lists of the most common first names and last names, the popularity of first names by state and for given years, and statistics on ethnicity in the United States. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Anal...
- Number of languages you are proficient in:你精通的语言数量,一般选2,除非会第二外语,可多选。 - Select language:选择语言,一般为Chinese和English. - Language proficiency: 语言精通程度。选First language表示是母语;选Spoken at Home表示在家主要使用语言;选Speak表示能用该语言会话;选Reading表示能用该语言...
Common German Boy Names Some German boys' names are identical or similar to English names for boys (Benjamin, David, Dennis, Daniel). An approximate pronunciation guide for some names is shown in brackets. German Boys' First Names - Vornamen Symbols used: Gr. (Greek), Lat. (Latin), OHG ...
The Chinese given name (first name) composed of one or two words is located behind the surname. Here are lists of common Chinese given names for female and male, boys and girls with meanings.
Samples of men's and women's names drawn from English language editions of Israeli telephone directories identify the most common names in current usage. These names, categorized into Biblical, Traditional, Modern Hebrew, and Non-Hebrew groups, indicate that for both men and women over 90 ...
aThere is a friend, when you first walk far, thousands of people Reminder million asked. When you are a person out, who will be greetings. He was like your family, do not often linked, but always found care, not always tired together, but always remember greeting. 有朋友,当您时首先走...
For those looking to match up common plant names with botanical names, we offer the following simple list. Common name is listed first, followed by botanical name and extension ( if known ). Abscess Root Polemonium reptans Acanthus-leaved Thistle Carlina acanthifolia ...
Learning about nouns in English language isn’t really complete until you know the days of the week, too! Word Meaning Usage in Sentence Sunday “Sunday” is the first day of the week, and is the second day of the weekend. Po went to church on Sunday. Monday “Monday” is the secon...
Old OrderMennonitesalso have specific last names common to them, such as Martin, Nolt, or Zimmerman. Amish Male Names Amish typically choose Biblical first names, or names with a long tradition in the particular family or community. Common Bible-originAmish first names for men and boysinclude:...
a. (of a grammatical case) fulfilling different functions that in some languages would require different inflected forms: English nouns used as subject or object are in the common case. b. of or pertaining to a word or gender that may refer to either a male or female: Frenchélève “pupil...