1 的 de of, possessive particle Indicates possession, akin to ‘s in English, often used to form attributive adjectives, emphasizing characteristics. 这是我的书 ( (Zhè shì wǒ de shū) — This is my book. 2 一 yī one, a The most basic numeral, used both alone and in compound numbe...
P784794. 110 Korean Words For Daily Life Conversations 33:24 P785795. Useful Expressions in Korean for Shopping - Korean for Beginners 33:35 P786796. 5 Ways You Can Start Conversations in Korean 33:50 P787797. FREE Korean Gifts of December 2019 01:41 P788798. How to Crush Your Korean...
Below are 100 common English phrases and sentence patterns that are much used in daily life. Each common English phrase includes real audios and scripts which help you learn sentence structures better, andmake sentences in English much more easily. If you master justonecommon English phrase or s...
Would you like to sound a native English speaker now? You’re in the right place! Below are 10 common expressions in English conversations for you to learn: 1. Long time no see Meaning:an English expression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for a while. Example...
In this post, we will show you useful English contractions along with how to use these contractions in your own speaking and writing, to get yousounding fluent faster. Download:This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere.Click here to get a copy...
With more than 200 new entries, this updated edition boasts almost 2,000 common phrases and colloquial expressions used in contemporary American English. From greetings and good-byes to everyday small talk, each entry is presented in a realistic context. Special attention to the needs of nonnative...
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