Sometimes, a writer leaves out conjunctions likeand,but,or,for, andnor. This is not because he or she is forgetful. It’s because that’s whatan asyndetonis: a group of phrases with the conjunctions left out, for rhythmic emphasis. (Aside: I used asyndeton in this post’s introduction....
Complex scene-stealing villains often come with an interesting backstory and a lot of emotional baggage; it’s therefore not uncommon to occasionally sympathize with them, especially if they display exceptional intelligence, use arrogant catchphrases, have a dry sense of humor and special abilities an...
Although we learned from Ren in the movieFootloosethat there is “a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:4) no one needs to seemedance. My wife and I are proof you can have a successful marriage even if you spend only a few hundred dollars on a wedding. As a child, the month of June ...
Compare these two phrases with the verbavere(to have) You are right. —Hairagione(indicative). I think you’re right. —Credo che tuabbiaragione(subjunctive). The subjunctive is used a lot in the Italian language. However, sometimes you can avoid using it. For instance, instead of saying...