UC Application是申请加州系学校(University of California,简称UC)的专属系统,也是美国最具影响力的公立大学系统之一。适用于加州大学开设本科课程的9个分校,包括UCB、UCLA、UCD、UCI、UCM、UCSD、UCSB、UCR、UCSC,且只需提交一份申请即可。 除申请...
UC Application是申请加州系大学(University of California,简称UC)的专属系统,也是美国最具影响力的公立大学系统之一。适用于加州大学开设本科课程的9个分校,包括UCB、UCLA、UCD、UCI、UCM、UCSD、UCSB、UCR、UCSC,且只需提交一份申请即可...
// CD-HIT clusters protein sequence database at high sequence identity threshold. // This program can remove the high sequence redundance efficiently. // // program written by // Weizhong Li // UCSD, San Diego Supercomputer Center // La Jolla, CA, 92093 // Email liwz@sdsc.edu ...
// CD-HIT clusters protein sequence database at high sequence identity threshold. // This program can remove the high sequence redundance efficiently. // // program written by // Weizhong Li // UCSD, San Diego Supercomputer Center // La Jolla, CA, 92093 // Email liwz@sdsc.edu // //...
[ 'u_errorName_56', 'ubidi_setPara_56', 'ucsdet_getName_56', 'uidna_openUTS46_56', 'ulocdata_close_56', 'unorm_normalize_56', 'uregex_matches_56', 'uspoof_open_56', 'usearch_setPattern_56', '?createInstance@Transliterator@icu_56@@SAPEAV12@AEBVUnicodeString@2@W4UTrans...
[30] C. Fellbaum,WordNet: An electronic lexical database. Blackwell Books, 1998. [31] P. Welinder, S. Branson, T. Mita, C. Wah, F. Schroff, S. Belongie, and P. Perona, “Caltech-UCSD Birds 200,” Caltech, Tech. Rep.
“condition” was either AKI or control, my.count.data was generated for each major cell type, separately (snRNA-seq). Desired comparisons were derived by: my.result = results(dds, contrast = c(“condition”,”Control”,”AKI”)) ...
(www.chd.ucsd.edu/research/ping-study.html, now shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)). The investigators within the ADNI and PING studies contributed to the design and implementation of ADNI and PING or provided data but did not participate in the analysis or writing of this report. ...
3.0x10 − 6 5.3x10 − 7 1.20 1.12–1.27 1.6x10 − 8 The testing set was an independent set using the data of HRS; the polygenic scores have been standardized, and hence the β coefficients from the Neuroticism linear regression model correspond to a 1 SD change in the polygenic ...
Data availability All proteomics raw data, search results, and search parameters are available on MassIVE (www.massive.ucsd.edu, accession MSV000094113 for the field experiment and MSV000094114 for the cage experiment) which are associated with Figs.3and6and Supplementary Fig. 1. Sample metadata, ...