While we were able to date the mutation in Iberia and Colombia, we lacked sufficient control data for other countries, such as Chile or Brazil, to allow us to date the mutation in such countries. We anticipate that the mutation age in the other countries will be related to the time of ...
CEF uses a structured data format to log events, which includes a set of predefined fields that contain information about the event. Common Event Format (CEF) is an extensible, text-based format. The CEF format consists of two parts: the header and the message. ...
Auburn FilterSense LCI Luwa Menardi NEO Monitors Nordfab RoboVent EN EN DE 中文 FI ES Frontpage Listing page What do a Swiss army knife and an FTIR stack gas analyzer have in common? Many people love to leave the city behind and go camping or hiking in the wild...
Using a whole-genome shotgun strategy and combining data from several next-generation sequencing platforms, we have produced a high-quality genome assembly forC. carpio(strain Songpu) and completed the genomic resequencing of 33C. carpioaccessions that represent major domesticated strains and populations...
We combined data from both L. auritus and L. macrochirus in a genus-level analysis because these species are phylogenetically [49] and eco-morphologically [50] similar. In addition, preliminary analyses using a mixed model ANOVA with side, individual and species as factors indicated no ...