Italians are passionate about many things: generous portions of food, hand gestures and colorful language including insults and curse words. Much likeFrench curse wordsandSpanish insults, or the manyways of using “fuck”in English, Italianparolaccecan convey a wide range of emotions, from surprise...
When you watch a Korean drama or actually live in Korea, you often hear not only greetings such as 안녕하세요(an-nyeong-ha-se-yo), but also Korean curse words, especially from Korean 아저씨(a-jeo-ssi)!Out of curiosity and fun, the first foreign words most people learn ...
There is a pseudo-Biblical myth that claims that an onlooker at Christ's crucifixion spat upon him, and was punished by receiving the curse of immortality that would last until Judgment Day. He thus became the "Wandering Jew", never able to make permanent friends or stay in one place for...
SECTION 9.-If the Governor-elect shall not have qualified,-or if he has qualified and a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Governor before he shall have appointed shall have a Secretary of qualified, the SLteagitselaotrivbeefAosrseesmabildySejcursettaerleyc,tehda,viunpgonbeceonnav...
The people constantly use rust as a curse word. I can’t remember which buildings were metal…. If they were the ancient ones then it might be a case of the old tech being forgotten. Reply In reply to April Oren Ashkenazi October 27, 2018 at 8:16 am There’s at least one Com ...
gossamer (adjective): characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy The gossamer wings of a butterfly, which allow it to fly, are also a curse, so delicate that they are often damaged. winsome (adjective): charming in a childlike or naive way She was winsome by nature, and many people ...
“We found that people tend to introduce these sounds into swear words when seeking to soften them for polite company,” McKay said. As for why the approximants are unsuitable for curse words, McKay said he can only speculate. He noted, though, that humans and other animals make “harsh, ...