Standards Common Core Standards Learn, plan, and implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in your classroom. Use the Resource Correlations tool to find Common Core-aligned resources from Reading A-Z, the ELL Edition, or Science A-Z, or view all correlated resources at once. We have...
Common Core State Standards 共同核心国家标准(简称Common Core)是美国现代史上最大规模的教改运动。 Common Core 按学科分年级列出了学生在每个时期需要达到的标准,详细定义了K-12(幼儿园到高中)的各个年级在英语语言艺术(English language arts)、数学(mathematics)课程中的学习内容。 在美国的各个学校,老师们可以自...
2.There are fewer, clearer standards, that aim higher: Teachers will focus on five standard areas to prepare children to meet grade-level expectations. Your child’s teachers will focus on shifts in the following standards: Common Core Learning Standards for Reading Literat...
可谓与此美国新“高考”挂钩的是为美国K-12年级制定的、主要针对英语和数学两个学科的“共同核心课程标准”(Common Core State Standards)。SAT出题机构College Board主席David Coleman在2012年上任以前是“共同核心”的主要设计者之一,而向来关注国民教育的比尔·盖茨也出钱出力推动该极具争议的课程标准在全国范围的实施...
(2013). The common core state standards and reading: Interpretations and implications for elementary students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Prac- tice, 28, 5-16.Haager, D., & Vaughn, S. (2013). The common core state stan- dards and reading: Interpretations and...
Sectionrefers to the set of standards that you are referencing. There are two main sections within the Common Core framework: ELA-Literacy standards and Math standards. All standards related to literacy have the section referenceELA-Literacy. This...
由于家庭原因(孩子在美国上学),我对美国各州广泛采用的教育体系,特别是教育体系新纲领“各州共同核心课程标准(Common Core State Standards, 以下简称‘共同核心标准’)”非常关注,并计划将自己的观察形成文字。本文为系列文章的第一篇,对何谓“共同核心标准”作一简介。在后续的文章中,我将陆续翻译、解读、分析共同核...
Cognitive scientist, professor, and author Daniel Willingham claims that Common Core Standards won't boost reading comprehension because the standards don't properly sequence the knowledge students need to better comprehend texts early on, according to a
Keep reading to learn more about the Common Core's benchmarks and get recommendations for helping English language learners meet them. What Are Common Core State Standards? In an effort to provide a more standardized and cohesive approach to education, experts and teachers from across the ...
This page offers free reading and English language arts lesson and unit plans aligned with Common Core State Standards. This is the same core sequence of units and lessons that I follow with my seventh and eighth grade reading classes to prepare them to succeed on standardiz...