Common Core State Standards 共同核心国家标准(简称Common Core)是美国现代史上最大规模的教改运动。 Common Core 按学科分年级列出了学生在每个时期需要达到的标准,详细定义了K-12(幼儿园到高中)的各个年级在英语语言艺术(English language arts)、数学(mathematics)课程中的学习内容。 在美国的各个学校,老师们可以自...
A Case Study of Direct Instruction in Reading, the Common Core State Standards, and Students with Intellectual Disabilities to explore teachers of students with intellectual disabilities perceptions on how to implement the CCSS in teaching reading, and their use of DI practices... K Olsen 被引量:...
The Protocol for the Assessment of Common Core Teaching (ProACCT) is an integrated observation instrument that measures academic engagement on three dimensions: student participation, the cognitive demand of lesson tasks, and the academic language used by students when they are learning content. The ...
6-12 Reading Informational TextReading Informational Text
Teaching and Learning Resources for Common Core High School, Statistics and Probability, Categorical, Quantitative Data, Making Inferences, Justifying Conclusions, Conditional Probability, Rules of Probability, examples and step by step solutions
Report: Requiring kindergartners to read -- as Common Core does -- may harm some. The Common Core State Standards call for kindergartners to learn how to read, but a new report by early childhood experts says that forcing some kids to read before t
"Teaching for Social Justice and the Common Core: Justice-Oriented Curriculum for Language Arts and Literacy." Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 59.5 (2015): 517-527. Literary Reference Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2018.Dover, A. G. (2016). Teaching for social justice and the Common Core:...
The Protocol for the Assessment of Common Core Teaching (ProACCT) is an integrated observation instrument that measures academic engagement on three dimensions: student participation, the cognitive demand of lesson tasks, and the academic language used by students when they are learning content. The ...
香港科技大学(港科大)表彰学术卓越,并赞扬杰出教育者对学生学习所产生的深远影响。在2023 The Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 颁奖典礼上,梁炜霆教授荣获 “The Common Core Teaching Excellence Award”,陈锐斌教授和Paul Lavigne 先生则获得...
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