linux common command 一、开关机sync :把内存中的数据写到磁盘中(关机、重启前都需先执行sync) shutdown -rnow或reboot :立刻重启 shutdown -hnow :立刻关机 shutdown -h 19:00 :预定时间关闭系统(晚上7点关机,如果现在超过8点则第二天) shutdown -h +10 :预定时间关闭系统(10分钟后关机) shut...
[OS-linux-common command] 西经使徒关注IP属地: 台湾 0.162019.08.23 10:54:36字数 1,289阅读 209 一、网络相关 1.telnet ip空格port //远程端口查看 2.curl系列 例子1:curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"payCityID":"330300","name":"zhangsan","idno":"12345678901"}'...
Command description mountcolumn -t # View attached partition status fdisk -l # View all partitions swapon -s # View all swap partitions hdparm -i /dev/hda # View disk parameters ( Only for IDE equipment ) dmesggrep IDE # View on startup IDE Equipment testing status <> <> network Command...
set root password :sudo passwd root check out kernel version :uname -r generate 'config.gz' file(the compressed package of '.config') :modprobe configs check the current path:pwd enter current user root directory:cd ~ check thread:top check process:ps kill process:kill <process number> chec...
Common Linux command - 持续更新 Linux 终端界面下调节字体大小: ctrl+shift++ 终端字体放大 ctrl+- 终端字体缩小 监控服务器性能的: 系统信息: uname -a more /etc/*release CPU: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name | cut -f2 -d: | uniq -c...
search for text: ls -l | grep -rn '^a'|grep -v x|grep -w tar tar –cvf jpg.tar*.jpg//The package directory for all jpg files into tar.jpgtar –xvf file.tar//Extract the tar package ssh sshd #ssh to log in to your Linux system, through the find command to find the / etc...
Table 13-9Command output description Syntax Parameter Description Example Value storcli64/ccontroller_idshow Product Name Model of the RAID controller card sas3108 FW Version Firmware version of the RAID controller card 4.660.00-8140 Driver Name ...
[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getversion Controllers found: 1 Controller #1 === Firmware : 1.43[0] (0) Driver : Linux 1.1.2-125 (0) Command completed successfully. Upgrading the Firmware of a Controller Card Function Upgrade the firmware...
On Linux, the system takes care of mounting a path to another path. For example, when you run the following command on Linux: $docker run --rm -ti -v /home/user/work:/work alpine It adds a/workdirectory to the target container to mirror the specified path. ...
true command: - memcached - -m 64 - -o - modern - -v healthService: name: system-healthcheck-service configmapName: system-healthcheck-service-config image: repository: tag: 3.5.0 replicaCount: 1 serviceAccountName: ibm-healthcheck-operator-cl...