Information was obtained on medicine and supplies, knowledge of common childhood illnesses management and referral practices. Results A total of 374 PPMVs were interviewed; the mean age was 33.7 ± 9.8 years. Among the 132 health trained respondents, 59.0% offer treatment services for sick ...
Medical Top 5 Common Childhood Illnesses And How To Treat Them All the time, our children are exposed to many common diseases including dangerous viruses as coronavirus that they could acquire through socializing and playing with other infected children at school or club. In this topic,…Recent...
Thus, this study was conducted to determine the magnitude and to identify determinants of health care utilization for common childhood illnesses in the rural parts of Ethiopia.关键词: Childhood illnesses, Healthcare seeking, Rural area, EDHS, Ethiopia ...
Introduction:Hispanic parents are more likely to perceive common childhood illnesses as serious and needing immediate attention compared with other groups. The purpose of this review is to describe the factors that influence Hispanic parental management of common childhood illnesses.Method:A systematic sear...
Low healthcare-seeking behavior was observed for childhood illnesses. Educational level, knowledge of childhood illness, cough, and diarrhea as primary symptoms of illness, and perceived severity of caregiver illness were significant associated with healthcare-seeking behavior. Therefore, interventions that...
小儿推拿是一种传统的中医外治疗法,适应范围特别广,对于小儿腹泻、呕吐、反复感冒、厌食、积滞、便秘、腹痛、脱肛、发热、咳嗽、遗尿等病症,还用一些新生儿疾病都很有疗效。 ② 小儿推拿是一种“绿色疗法” 小儿推拿是单纯用手操作的物理疗法,既能缓解宝宝不适、减轻症状,减少宝宝对打针吃药的恐惧,还能避免过度用药...
Recognizing symptomsearly on is crucial to successfully prevent the spread of childhood illnesses. Parents should always be aware of their child’s routine behaviors, activity level and temperature. While symptoms may help indicate the contraction of an illness, it may be very difficult to diagnose ...
PDF Tools Share Abstract Background. Most of the childhood illnesses can be proven with effective interventions. However, countless children die needlessly in developing countries due to the failure of their guardians to seek care timely. The aim of this study was to assess health care seeking beh...
Care seeking behaviour of caregivers for common childhood illnesses in Lagos Island Local Government Area, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Medicine, 2005; 14(1): 65-71.Adegboyega, A. A., Onayade, A. A. & Salawu, O. Care-seeking behaviour of caregivers for common child...
Respiratory infections are a common cause of ill-health in childhood. The disorders described in this chapter are those commonly seen in Burma and in South East Asia. Bibliography Colly, J. R. T., (1971). Respiratory disease in childhood.British medical Bulletin,27, 9. ...