CATTLE breedsCATTLE geneticsGENETIC variationPRINCIPAL components analysisCATTLEDISCRIMINANT analysisLINKAGE disequilibriumAmerican Aberdeen (AD) cattle in the USA descend from an Aberdeen Angus herd originally brought to the Trangie Agricultural Research Centre, New South Wales, AUS. Although ...
CATTLE breedsSHEEP breedsTUBERCULOSIS in cattleRobertsonian translocation 1;29 (rob(1;29)), a widespread chromosomal anomaly affecting cattle fertility, appears to have originated from a common ancestor. This study utilizes routine SNP data to investigate the chromosomal region a...
cattleFGF4fibroblast growth factor 4structural geneFibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4) is considered as a crucial gene for the proper development of bovine embryos. However, the complete nucleotide sequences of the structural genes encoding FGF4 in identified breeds are still unknown. In the present...
A total of 70 female sheep (White Polled Heath sheep and their cross breeds), consisting of 16 animals older than one year and 54 gimmers, participated in this study, which ran over two grazing seasons from May until October 2020 and 2021, respectively. The non-pigmented animals with white...