Syphilis[5]is the last but very common one on the list of sex-related diseases that I want to reveal in this article today. It is a sexually-transmitted disease that is caused by bacteria. This disease can affect the genital area, mouth, lips or anus of men and women. The early sympt...
Both blood vessels and nerves are vital channels to and from tissues. Recent genetic insights show that they have much more in common than was originally anticipated. They use similar signals and principles to differentiate, grow and navigate towards their targets. Moreover, the vascular and nervou...
Most people will need a blood test at some point in their lives. Blood tests are part ofroutine health screenings. They are used to check organ function and immune system activity, to diagnose chronic diseases like diabetes, and to help prevent complications from surgery. Needing a blood test...
A low hematocrit level may signal anemia, or other conditions such as loss of blood, nutritional deficiency, bone marrow problems, and abnormal hematocrit. High hematocrit levels may be due to chronic smoking, living at high altitudes, dehydration, or other conditions and diseases. Hemoglobin ...
Aging is a key risk factor for chronic diseases of the elderly. MicroRNAs regulate post-transcriptional gene silencing through base-pair binding on their target mRNAs. We identified nonlinear changes in age-related microRNAs by analyzing whole blood from
Goat diseases are economically significant and potential to achieve many national and international assurances on food security, poverty alleviation and improved nutritional standard. These diseases pose several constraints to the development
Clonal haematopoiesis involves the expansion of certain blood cell lineages and has been associated with ageing and adverse health outcomes1,2,3,4,5. Here we use exome sequence data on 628,388 individuals to identify 40,208 carriers of clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP). Usin...
Uniquely, our comparison of blood and brain datasets was not based on (the very limited) gene overlap but on the similarity between the gene annotations in four different semantic categories: “biological process”, “cellular component”, “molecular function” and “disease or syndrome”. Results...
Today, blood tests can do many things, because doctors and scientists have identified many substances in the blood that can tell you if you have an infection, an autoimmune disease, a marker for cancer, inherited diseases, and even blood clots or heart failure. Blood tests are also used to...
Blood tests to look for specific diseases or disorders A colonoscopy, in rare cases, in which your doctor looks inside your colon with a thin, flexible tube that holds a tiny camera and light. They can also use this device to take a small sample of tissue. Or your doctor might need to...