Blood culture over-utilization is a widespread problem and leads to high rates of negative and contaminant results. Both types of results are associated with increased resource utilization and costs. The purpose of this study is to describe the rate of blood culture negativity and contamination for...
Blood stream infection (BSI) One positive blood culture of a recognized pathogen or a combination of clinical symptoms (fever > 38 °C, chills, and/or hypotension) and two positive blood cultures of a common skin contaminant from two separate blood samples drawn within 48 h. Co-infection...
Lastly, the high SFR and CFR that we found for mixed infections are difficult to interpret due to the low numbers, the fact that one of the bacteria could be a possible contaminant, and the unusual occurrence of several bloodstream bacteria at once. The population-based design and the ...
Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Wen-Ta Li 1, Hui-Wen Chang1, Wei-ChengYang2, Chieh Lo3, Lei-Ya Wang1, Victor Fei Pang1, Meng-Hsien Chen4 & Chian-Ren Jeng 1 Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been extensively used and are considered as an emerging contaminant in the ocean....
histopatological indicators to evaluate contaminant-related stress in fish. J. Aquat. Ecossyst. Stress Recovery, 6(1):75-86. Khachatourians GG. 1998. Agricultural use of antibiotics and the evolution and transfer of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Can. Med. Assoc. J., 159(9): 1129-1136. ...
Introduction Globally, amphibians are facing precipitous declines1,2, with environmental pollution cited as a major threat to amphibian health and survival3,4. The vulnerability of amphibians to contaminant exposure is due to their highly permeable skin and complex lifecycle comprising both aquatic and ...
Similarly, the bacterial count for Lactose-positive Enterobacteriaceae and Mannitol salt-positive Staphylococcaceae as well as the bacterial count for contaminant S. Derby were assessed at T0 and at 24 h after TEO treatment. Each assay was performed in triplicate, and the values of growth ...