【疾病名】胆总管结石 【英文名】calculus of common bile duct 【缩写】 【别名】common duct stones 结石性胆总管炎 【ICD 号】K80.8 【概述】 胆总管结石多位于胆总管的中下段。但随着结石增多、增大和胆总管扩张、结石堆积或上下移动 常累及肝总管。胆总管结石的含义实际上应包括肝总管在内的整个肝外...
【疾病名】胆总管结石 【英文名】calculus of common bile duct 【别名】common duct stones;结石性胆总管炎 【ICD号】K80.8 【病因和发病机制研究的进展】1.病因研究进展 2.发病机制研究进展 【诊断研究进展】1.辅助诊断检查进展 (1)实验室检查进展:(2)特殊检查进展:正常胆总管走向与门静脉基本一致,右...
结石总管duct胆管bilecalculus 【疾病名】胆总管结石 【英文名】calculusofcommonbileduct 【缩写】 【别名】commonductstones;结石性胆总管炎 【ICD号】K80.8 【概述】 胆总管结石多位于胆总管的中下段。但随着结石增多、增大和胆总管扩 张、结石堆积或上下移动,常累及肝总管。胆总管结石的含义实际上应包括肝 ...
结石总管ductbile别名胆管 【疾病名】胆总管结石 【英文名】calculusofcommonbileduct 【别名】commonductstones;结石性胆总管炎 【ICD号】K80.8 【病因和发病机制研究的进展】 1.病因研究进展 2.发病机制研究进展 【诊断研究进展】 1.辅助诊断检查进展 (1)实验室检查进展: (2)特殊检查进展:正常胆总管走向与门...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: calculus of common bile duct,choledocholith calculus of common bile duct,choledocholith分享到: 胆总管结石分类: 外科 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
Reports of a single calculus of the common bile duct >10 cm are very rare. The authors present a case of a single gigantic calculus in the common bile duct with multiple stones distributing in the left intrahepatic ducts. The patient was treated with left hemihepatectomy combined with Roux-...
bile duct calculus. Giant common bile duct calculus.Giant common bile duct calculus.Zalewski, JBernacki, ESzelag, EDadan, H
1988: Ultrasonic demonstration of a common bile duct calculus associated with congenital bile duct dilatation Pediatric Radiology 18(6): 499-500 Kimura, K. 1976: 28 cases of congenital dilatation of the common bile duct in adults, (with special reference to cholangiographic presentations, modes ...
A.M. Schuller, G.J. Rezk, D.T. Lyon, Calculus formation around common bile duct stents: a complication of long- term biliary drainage ([letter]), Gastrointest. Endosc. 37 (1991) 581-582.unlabelleda V.K. Bansal, M.C. Mishra, P. Bhowate, et al., Laparoscopic management of common...
Ultrasonic demonstration of a common bile duct calculus associated with congenital bile duct dilatationA 8-year-old Japanese girl had congenital bile duct dilatation, associated with both choledocholithiasis and acute pancreatitis. Ultrasonography (US) was used to demonstrate a stone within a dilated ...