The results for scholarly peer-reviewed articles (N = 1,509) were reduced (N = 1, 482) when adding academic journals to the search criteria. The first phase of the study yielded 1,482 articles. Phase Two In order to fit the study's objective, an article must have discussed a barrier...
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in t...
The inherent superiority of this offering notwithstanding, overcoming the stability barrier to widespread commercial application continues to be a significant concern. The all-vacuum process yielded a highly stable photodetector, as evidenced by the use of Cs006FA094Pb(I068Br032)3 perovskite. The ...
One day, somewhere, I want a chance to build such a thing, and then my joy will be great. Until then, it’s going to remain a vision for me to aspire to with all the community work I do: build each piece in such a way thatwerethere a chance to expand it into this sort of a...
The Government of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise us in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be ass...
An analogy is sometime given with gold mining. Unlike the old days of the California gold rush, it is no longer possible for individuals to mine gold. Gold is only abundant in specific locations, and requires a complex mining operation to extract. The barrier of entry to obtaining suitable ...
Data Model allows apps to integrate and share data with each other without the need for extensive, custom integration by providing a centralized point where systems can come together and connect, and bridging the gap between repositories of information once divided by a digital language barrier. ...
Depending on your market, you may need to assist customers with different native languages. Multilingual agents can overcome this barrier, but they may be hard to find. Consider using an intelligent, multi-language platform to help fill this gap. ...
· This competitive staffing process will be used to create a pool of qualified candidates for this position and similar positions at the same level on emergency basis at the Embassy of Canada in Beijing. If the selected candidate is already an active Locally-Engaged Staff (LES) employee, the...