whether we're talking PCs, Macs, Androids, iPhones, Smart TVs, or whatever else. When you need universal, MP3 will never let you down, which is why it's one of the world's most popular audio file formats.
常见的文件格式和打开方法Commonfileformatsandopeningmethods 系统标签: fileformatsopeningformatcommonmethods 常见的文件格式和打开方法(Commonfileformatsandopening methods) ISO TheISOformatisaCDimagefile,pleaseopenthevirtualCD-ROM software,ordirectdial. PDF PDFformatisavectordocumentformat,generallylarge companiesorso...
Enumerates formats for audio data (see CommonFormat).C# 複製 [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)] public enum AVAudioCommonFormatInheritance Enum AVAudioCommonFormat Attributes IntroducedAttribute ...
It supports popular audio formats including MPEG, PCM, AAC, HE AAC, LPCM, MP3, AMR and WMA. The SDK is compliant with common media, devices and workflows ranging from file to live transcoding, professional broadcast and streaming, as well as a wide range of consumer-electronic products. ...
It supports popular audio formats including MPEG, PCM, AAC, HE AAC, LPCM, MP3, AMR and WMA. The SDK is compliant with common media, devices and workflows ranging from file to live transcoding, professional broadcast and streaming, as well as a wide range of consumer-electronic products. ...
Audio Elementary Streams ...251.7.6 Subtitle Elementary Streams...
In File Explorer underView, in theShow/hidegroup, select theFile name extensionscheck box. Below is a list of common Windows file name extensions and formats. Extension Format aac, adt, adts Windows audio file accdb Microsoft Access database file ...
In File Explorer underView, in theShow/hidegroup, select theFile name extensionscheck box. Below is a list of common Windows file name extensions and formats. Extension Format aac, adt, adts Windows audio file accdb Microsoft Access database file ...
常见文件后缀(Common file suffix)The role document used by the agents of ACA Microsoft ACF system management configuration ACM audio compression management driver for the Windows system to provide a variety of audio format encoding and decoding function AIF sound file, which supports compression, can...