Personal Information: - First/Given name: 名! - Middle name: 中国人名一般没有,空着 - Last/Family/Sur Name: 姓 - Suffix: 后缀,不用填 - Have you ever used any other names?: 如果姓名曾改过的,选Yes, 并写上改过前的,若没有,选No.尤其注意自己成绩单等申请材料上会出现不同名字(包括英文名)...
1. Do NOT submit your application without confirming with your advisers first. 请先与adviser确认后再提交申请。 2. First, go to My Colleges -> Submission Common App -> Print Preview your application to make sure there’s no mistake. For the signature, fill in your name. 首先到 My Colleges...
Asian and Pacific Islander|Black|Hispanic|American Indian/Alaskan Native|Two or More Races|White Alphabetically: AAlArBBeBhBoBoiBorBrBuCCcClCoCrDDeDemDhDoEElFFiFoGGmHHeHgIJKKeKoLLeLhMMamMcMgMoNOPPePiPoQRReRiRohSScSdSgSiSmSpStStiSuTThTrUWWiXYZ First Names: Male First Names 1-300 301-600 601-900 90...
1. Do NOT submit your application without confirming with your advisers first. 请先与adviser确认后再提交申请。 2. First, go to My Colleges -> Submission Common App -> Print Preview your application to make sure there’s no mistake. For the signature, fill in your name. 首先到 My Colleges...
In Western cultures, it is common to use first names when addressing people. In some Asian cultures, people may use more formal titles and last names. If you are introduced to a person named John Smith in a Western country, how would you address him?
A.First/given name:名。 B.Middle name:一般没有,不用填。 C.Last/Family/Sur Name:姓。 D.Suffix:后缀。 E.Preferred Name(nickname):可以填自己一直用的英文名,也可以不填。 F.Have you ever used any other names?:有曾用名与否?如果身份证和护照上是曾用名后来重新办理则需要告知 ...
Asian Limno Limnophila aromatica Asian Liquorice Glycyrrhiza uralensis Asiatic Ginseng Panax pseudoginseng Asiatic Globe Flower Trollius asiaticus Asparagus Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Bean Vigna unguiculata Asparagus Bean Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipedalis ...
Species names were checked for orthography and standardized (synonyms identified from the reference databases corrected to their accepted names) using the African Flowering Plants Database (, Taxonomic Name Resolution Service65, and Asian Plant Synonym ...
亚洲人AsianOriginating from KanColle, it is the term referring to a person with average luck. 欧洲人 / 欧神EuropeanOriginating from KanColle, it is the term referring to a very lucky person. Can be translated as lucksack. 坦克/肉盾Tank / Meat ShieldSomeone who ‘tanks’ for the team, i....
If you want to get even more specific, we also have pages that will let you find last names beginning with A (or any other letter) based on a specific ancestry. (You must really be into last names to get this far down the page!) White Black Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander America...